Last updated on: 2024-03-20



The TETRA system has passed the exam

ZE PAK SA has successfully completed the testing of the TETRA dedicated radio communication system for the power sector, which is a basic element of security in any weather conditions and in every location of the national power grid.


The role of the communication system grows significantly in the event of catastrophic and crisis situations. Its infrastructure meets the requirement of providing power autonomy and long-term operation, at least 36 hours in the event of a mass failure, when the power supply to most telecommunications facilities in the area affected by the disaster is shut down.


Moreover, the TETRA network is more efficient in terms of voice communication, by the instant billing of individual and group calls, giving priority to calls of higher importance and locating users.


Monthly tests of the communication service in the TETRA standard were conducted jointly by ZE PAK SA and Enspirion, a subsidiary of Energa from the ORLEN Group. ZE PAK tested primarily the functionalities related to voice communication in group and individual mode, sending short text messages, and direct communication with the Regional Supervision Centre of Polskie Sieci Energetyczne [Polish Power Grid Company].