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Last updated on: 2020-07-01

Pątnów I Power Plant

Is the largest power plant of the ZE PAK SA Capital Group

It was designed as a unit-structured brown-coal-fired condensing steam utility power station with an interstage steam superheater. 

For years, the Pątnów I Power Plant has been undergoing successive engineering and technological reconstruction. This is due to the need to adapt the 200 MW power units to the current requirements of the European Union in terms of emissions of greenhouse gases and dust into the atmosphere. For this purpose, the Pątnów I Power Plant has been equipped with two wet flue gas desulphurisation systems, allowing any four out of the six installed units to operate, maintaining the level of SO2 emissions below 200 mg/Nm3.

Pątnów I Power Plant

In 2012, the modernisation of unit 5 (200 MW) was completed, thanks to which the reduction of emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) to less than 200 mg/Nm3 was achieved. Together with the Konin Power Plant and Pątnów II, the Pątnów I Power Plant is equipped with an open cooling system based on five lakes of the Konin region, connected by a canal system.

In September 2015, the modernisation of the unit no. 1 was completed, and in December 2015, the modernisation of the unit no. 2 was performed. As a result of the works, the units’ power capacity was increased from 200 to 222MW, efficiency was increased to 37.5%, and reduction of emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) reached the level of 200 mg/Nm3.

The installed power of the power plant after the modernisation is currently 644MW.

Important dates:

  • 1967 - The first unit brought into operation
  • 2006 - Pątnów obtains an IPPC Permit to produce electricity and heat
  • September 2013 - commencement of the modernization of power units 1-4



Company Head Office




ul. Kazimierska 45
62-510 Konin
Phone: +48/63/ 247 30 00
Fax: +48/63/ 247 30 30

    Company’s Head Office
    ul. Kazimierska 45 | 62-510 Konin
  • tel. +48 63 247 30 00 fax. +48 63 247 30 30
  • ZE PAK SA Place of registration: Sąd Rejonowy Poznań Nowe Miasto i Wilda IX Wydział Gospodarczy.
    KRS 0000021374 | REGON 310186795 | NIP 665-000-16-45
    Share capital: 101 647 094 PLN, fully paid-up.