Last updated on: 2024-03-08

Maciej Nietopiel

Maciej Nietopiel – Vice President of the Management Board


Maciej Nietopiel has been engaged in the power industry for more than 20 years. At ZE PAK he holds the position of Vice-President and is responsible for the financial division.


As part of the ongoing dynamic transition process of the ZE PAK Capital Group, he holds a number of functions in the management boards of special purpose vehicles of the PAK Polska Czysta Energia structure (developed in cooperation with the Polsat Plus Group). The SPVs' objective is the expansion of particular projects in the field of the renewable energy sources advancement (wind, photovoltaics, biomass) as well as hydrogen production and utilisation.


Maciej Nietopiel is also President of the Board of the Polski Autobus Wodorowy; a company responsible for the Nesobus hydrogen bus project and the construction of a manufacturing plant in Świdnik.

    Company’s Head Office
    ul. Kazimierska 45 | 62-510 Konin
  • tel. +48 63 247 30 00 fax. +48 63 247 30 30
  • ZE PAK SA Place of registration: Sąd Rejonowy Poznań Nowe Miasto i Wilda IX Wydział Gospodarczy.
    KRS 0000021374 | REGON 310186795 | NIP 665-000-16-45
    Share capital: 101 647 094 PLN, fully paid-up.