Committees of the Supervisory Board
Within the Supervisory Board there is an Audit Committee consisting of:
- Sławomir Zakrzewski - Chairman of Audit Cmmittee
- Tomasz Szeląg
- Alojzy Z. Nowak
The Audit Committee appointed within the Supervisory Board fulfills the criteria of independence and other requirements specified in the Act on auditors, audit firms and public oversight.
A member of the Audit Committee with knowledge and skills in the industry in which ZE PAK SA operates is Mr. Sławomir Zakrzewski, who acquired them through his extensive professional experience, in the construction and energy industries, acquired both at home and abroad. The member of the Audit Committee with knowledge and skills in the field of accounting is Mr. Tomasz Szeląg, who acquired them thanks to his education and he perfected taking up numerous managerial positions requiring this knowledge and competence. The members of the Audit Committee who meet the independence criterion are Mr. Sławomir Zakrzewski and Mr. Alojzy Z. Nowak.