Temporary limitation production of power

Last updated on: 2024-07-02
Date and time of notification Asset name Maximum power

Unavailability reason Unavailable Capacity

Event type Status of the execution Market participant
2016-11-04 22:42:14 Pątnów 1 B2 222 usuwanie uszkodzen awaryjnych 222 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2016-11-04 07:34:23 Pątnów 1 B6 200 nieszczelny kociol 200 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2016-11-02 10:18:47 Pątnów 1 B3 200 Ograniczone odsiarczanie 200 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2016-10-31 11:10:48 Pątnów 1 B1 222 nieszczelny kociol 222 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2016-10-29 09:09:49 Pątnów 1 B3 200 nieszczelny kociol 200 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2016-10-25 14:11:15 Pątnów 1 B6 200 Nieszczelnosc w Kotle 200 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2016-10-25 09:12:31 Pątnów 1 B4 200 Nieszczelny podgrzewacz wody 200 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2016-10-25 06:13:33 Adamów B3 120 Zadzialanie regulatora mocy 120 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA