Temporary limitation production of power

Last updated on: 2024-07-02
Date and time of notification Asset name Maximum power

Unavailability reason Unavailable Capacity

Event type Status of the execution Market participant
2017-09-14 07:51:27 Pątnów 1 B1 222 ograniczone dostawy paliwa 222 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2017-09-13 08:34:17 Pątnów 1 B4 200 ograniczone odsiarczanie 200 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2017-09-13 07:50:35 Pątnów 1 B3 200 niesprawny kociol 200 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2017-09-12 08:09:51 Pątnów 1 B6 200 ograniczone odsiarczanie 200 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2017-09-09 20:40:06 Pątnów 1 B4 200 niesprawny kociol 200 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2017-09-09 19:20:22 Adamów B1 120 Niesprawny kociol 120 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2017-09-09 16:21:03 Pątnów 1 B6 200 K-6 niesprawny kociol 200 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA
2017-09-09 15:54:59 Pątnów 1 B2 222 K-2 niesprawny kociol 222 Unplanned Ended ZE PAK SA